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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, October 15, 2012


The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, October 15, 2012 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Members Present:  Karin Aurelia, Thomas Dwyer, Margaret Imbro, Mary Ellen Lydem, Joan Plouffe, Anne Rothstein, Curt Symes and Sheila Torres.

Members Excused: JoAnne Albanesi, Joanne Davis, LeReine Frampton and Larry Schneider.

Support & Advisory Present: Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – Mr. Dwyer reported that there was an article in the October 5th issue of the Bee about the Open House at the Senior Center on September 15th that featured several pictures, one of which being a group photo of all COA Commissioners and Support Staff that attended. He said that he would send copies to those requesting them.   

Mr. Dwyer distributed a transcript of emails he exchanged with First Selectman Llodra on October 12th. He called to her attention that ARTICLE 4-30 (b) of the Town Charter appears to require that all boards and commissions have an elected Secretary whereas the COA doesn’t have one although they have a paid clerk who takes minutes of their meetings. Ms. Llodra replied by email stating that she had contacted town attorney David Grogins on this and attached a copy of his opinion which stated that a Secretary seems unnecessary because the primary function of one is being accomplished by the paid clerk. (Attachment A to the original minutes). Ms. Plouffe suggested that in view of the fact that the Legislative Council is currently studying the need for changes in the Town Charter, the COA  should suggest to them that consideration be given to amending ARTICLE 4-30 so that boards and commissions would have the option of either electing Secretaries, or hiring paid clerks, or doing both. Mr. Dwyer said that he would submit this suggestion to the Legislative Council.   


Senior Resources Guide – Ms. Torres said that she is in the process of completing the Guide and will try to make the font size larger as suggested by a member of the public at the September meeting.

Planned Giving Program – Mr. Symes reported that the wording of the Proposed Gift Poicy has been submitted to Jeff Capeci, Chair of the Legislative Council after having been approved by Finance Director Robert Tait and town attorney David Grogins.  Once approved by the Council it will become part of the Town Charter.

Volunteers for New Teams – Mr. Dwyer stated that although Commissioner Davis was unable to attend the meeting she has informed him that there are still openings on several of the teams listed in the document she distributed at the September meeting and she is hoping that those interested in getting involved with one or more of them will contact her as soon as possible.

Proposed New Senior Center & CIP Status – Mr. Dwyer reported that the Board of Selectmen reviewed a draft Capital Improvement Plan for the years 2013 to 2018 at their meeting on October 1st and gave a copy to the Commissioners along with an extract from the minutes of the meeting plus articles from the Danbury News-Times and Newtown Bee on this subject. The Plan will be voted on at their October 15th meeting and if approved will be sent to the Board of Finance. (Attachment B to the original minutes)

He pointed out that the amounts that bear on a new Senior Center (some which are included in funding for a Community Center) are the same as in last year’s CIP and noted that First Selectman Llodra was not optimistic about these projects being realized as projected. Mr. Symes commented that the Newtown Youth Academy is under consideration as a possible Community Center embracing a Senior Center and Parks & Recreation facilities.

MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 MEETING – Ms. Lydem moved that the minutes of the September 17, 2012 meeting be cancelled and replaced by the minutes that Mr. Dwyer mailed to the Commissioners on October 4, 2012. (Attachment C to the original minutes). Seconded by Ms. Plouffe and unanimously approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT - Ms. Aurelia distributed a report issued by the Finance Department noting activity in the Gift Fund between July 1, 2012 and October 4, 2012 but because it did not state the date it was issued, or contain an explanation for several transactions, the Commissioners declined to approve it. Mr. Dwyer said that he would point out these omissions to Finance Director Tait and have the report reissued with the needed information on it. (Attachment D to the original minutes).   

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT  - As Director Place was on vacation no report was made.  

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT – Ms. Piccini distributed a report of her activities since the Commission’s September meeting and replied to questions about it. (Attachment E to the original minutes).   


Current Senior Center – Ms. Lydem reported that she received adverse comment about the decor of the Senior Center at the Open House and when she discussed this with Ms. Place she agreed that improvements are needed. In view of this, and considering that it will probably be many years before a new Senior Center is obtained, she suggested that the Facilities Team work with Ms. Place on making a list of improvements needed and that Ms. Rothstein investigate grants that might be available to pay for them.

Election of COA Officers for 2013 - On behalf of the Nominating Committee Ms. Lydem proposed Mr. Symes as Chair, Ms. Torres & Ms. Davis as Co-Vice Chairs and Ms. Aurelia as Treasurer.  As there were no other nominations a vote was taken and the slate presented was approved unanimously.


ADJOURNMENT – Ms. Plouffe moved to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Ms. Lydem and unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.

Margaret Wilkin, Clerk